2, ploshchad Kiyevskogo Vokzala

2, ploshchad Kiyevskogo Vokzala


About the restaurant

In “Evropeysky” shopping centre “CHAIKHONA №1” took up residence among the capitals of the world - according to the conception of the complex designers, its atriums reproduce the streets of Rome, Berlin, London, Paris. The tent of the cafe is seen from afar. In a circle inside of it stretches solid sofa with tables for two people; seats for companies are located in the center. From the tent guests get to a large, bright loggia with a panoramic view on the Square of ​​Europe. The loggia is partitioned by glass into two rooms, besides them there are a lot of places for romantic couples where you can discuss your shopping experience or talk about the most important while quiet background music is playing in the cafe. To save space, a bar and a kitchen in the cafe are put into a separate room. This decision is justified as “CHAIKHONA №1” in the “Evropeysky” shopping centre is very popular among many visitors who have a taste for shopping and appreciate shopping with taste.

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Opening hours

Today before 00:00
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+7 (495) 234-02-34
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